Sichuan Peppercorns

Coming in shades from brick to burgundy to pink, the Sichuan peppercorn is used throughout Asia. Unlike other peppercorns the flavor isn’t spicy, but rather citric; and instead of heat, it incites a tingly numbness.

Sichuan peppercorns do not produce a heat sensation like black or white pepper. Instead, the flavor is citric and it produces a tingly numbing sensation that is akin to touching your tongue to a battery or the fizziness from soda. So why eat it? Like a chile pepper, in certain amounts the sensation can be quite pleasing and causes the release of endorphins in the brain, which make you feel pleasure. Use ‘em once and you’ll be hooked forever.

Sichuan peppercorns are a main ingredient in Five-Spice Powder and are often used alongside ingredients such as chile peppers, star anise, onion, vinegar, brown sugar, ginger, tangerine peel, and cinnamon in Sichuan cuisine. Toast and grind the peppers and use them in a rub over duck, with garlic in stir fries, or add to crock pots for braised or stewed meats.